Saturday, December 19, 2009

First Noel

These are my Christmas cards that I screen-printed the other week. They just of a little illustration I did based on turning the letter 'A' into a mustached angel called Noel.

Snow #2

Soooo while it's snowing up a storm in England I'm having to make up my own Winter Wonderland here in Aus so this week I'm going with the Tiga remix of Miike Snow. Turn up the speakers and let it hit you in the face like a well aimed snowball. Bamm!

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Went into Hoyne on Friday to pick up a bottle of Kaikoura Sounds, the wine label I designed while I was on my internship at Hoyne. Was nice to see everyone again at the Sydney studio too!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Snow #1

Christmas + Snow = Winner so once a week I am going to put up my favourite snow titled songs. This week its Miami Horrors remix of the Dirty Secrets '5 Feet of Snow'. Brrrrrrrr.

Friday, December 4, 2009

heaps & heaps

Just finished the poster artwork for a HEAPS big party! Going to be a mega night so come down if your in Sydney.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Spin Papers

My Spin Papers arrived in the post today! Only a fiver and free postage till Jan 30th. Win.

Dear Santa